- Referi Version 1.2.6: install the RePlay scoreboard
- Before you can definitively position and use your RePlay scoreboard, you need to make some settings:
- Place the RePlay in an area where WiFi is available
- Wifi is REQUIRED to register RePlay. However, we recommend that you also provide the playing court with good network coverage: in this way you and your players can fully manage the matches with your mobile phone/tablet.
- The “WiFi extenders” are antennas, available on Amazon at very affordable prices, which allow you to extend your WiFi to all playing courts
- You can also use RePlay on a court where WiFi is not available (not recommended). But in this way it will be possible to start and stop a match ONLY with the BlueTooth buttons, losing the various possibilities offered by our App.
- connect the RePlay to the monitor/TV with the HDMI cable and connect the power supply.
- wait a few seconds and the pre-installed Referi application will start
- (note: to make any updates, you will need to download “Referi” from the Google Play Store of RePlay)
- Connect the RePlay to the wifi network, in order to be able to register:
- press the “Home” button on the infrared remote control
- from the start screen, press the down arrow on the remote control to go to “settings” (gear icon)
- select “Network and Internet” and connect to your WiFi network
- Return to the Referi screen for choosing the language and make your selection, then confirming the permissions (note: the remote control has a “mouse” button).
- On your mobile:
- Install Referi on your mobile phone and register as “Club”
- On the “Club Account” screen, choose “Set Up RePlay” and follow the instructions.
- Button pairing. Please note:
- do not paire the Bluetooth buttons to your mobile phone. ReTouch buttons can be paired only to one device at a time
- Attention!: it is very important to manually confirm any pairing request from the operating system: with the remote control. Or with a mouse, or with AnyDesk from your computer.
- Note: the “AnyDesk” remote control software is installed on RePlay and starts automatically. Alternatively you can then register RePlay by connecting from your computer
- Take note of the IP number visible on RePlay, at the bottom right of the language selection screen.
- Instal the app “AnyDesk” on your computer (Mac or PC)
- Enter the RePlay number on the computer, connect, enter the password “referi00” and use AnyDesk for complete remote control of RePlay.
- You’re almost done: with the remote control, press the power button to turn off the RePlay
- Finally install the RePlay scoreboard.
- Plug the RePlay into its final position, connected to the TV, but ensuring it is ‘in sight’ and as close to the court as possible.
- The Bluetooth buttons have a theoretical range of 30 meters. But it is important that there are as few obstacles as possible between RePlay and the buttons
- RePlay must NOT be placed behind or attached to the TV, which is a source of interference. Leave 5-10 cm distance between the TV and RePlay
- Warning: TVs “may” be hit by players’ balls. I therefore advise you to place it behind glass, behind the metal grill or at least at a certain distance from the court
- turn the RePlay back on
- wait a few seconds and the Referi application will be started
- You can start playing with RePlay in one of the following ways:
- With a double click on a Bluetooth button
- From your mobile, scanning the QRcode (for players) or from “Replay Control” (reserved for the manager)
- Using AnyDesk from your computer
- For further info on Referi, see our FAQ
Install the RePlay scoreboard
RePlay setup instructions