Take your game to the PRO level. Even in your club.

Give the players a whole new gaming experience: a scoreboard, a virtual umpire who announces the score, changes of ends and order of service and a stats archive to read and share.

All in one: simple, intuitive and accessible.

Padel Tennis Ping Pong Teqball

Turns every court into a Central court.

Referi® is the system that, associated with a ReTouch button and a TV screen, brings a digital scoreboard and a virtual umpire to your tennis and padel courts.

The simplest and most convenient solution to give the players of your club a professional playing experience.

How does it work

It's time to play attack.

A revolution is underway in the world of sports.

On the one hand, fitness is increasingly smart and connected: the market for APPs (+9.34%) and wearable devices is constantly expanding.

On the other end, the racquet sports sector is revitalized by a young and universal discipline like no other: with over 250,000 new players every year, Padel has the fastest growth rate globally.

In 4 years the Padel courts in Italy have grown from 50 to 1600 and continue to increase. For your club, this is an extraordinary opportunity: a new, larger audience, a new generation of smart, technologically advanced players with different standards and expectations from traditional tennis players.

It's an opportunity to be seized. Standing out today means raising the standard of your club and gaining a decisive competitive advantage over your competitors.

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Game, Set and Smart.

Smart Scoreboard
Referi® shows players’ names, score and order of service.
Virtual umpire
The Referi® virtual umpire announces score, change of ends, serving and receiving players and players’ position during TieBreaks.
Referi® can be used for tennis, padel and table tennis.
Advanced settings
Referi® is the smart APP that suits various sports and match formats, in singles and doubles. Coin Launch, Tie Break, Short Game, Deciding Point are just a few of the functions that can be programmed before the match.
Bluetooth® button
The Referi® ReTouch buttons are equipped with clips to be worn during the game. Each click corresponds to a 15 in favor of the player to whom the button is associated. A prolonged pressure allows to cancel the last 15 in case of error.
Screen mirroring
The scoreboard and the voice of the Virtual Umpire can be transmitted using WiFi to monitors and Smart TVs: it will be like playing on the Central Court.
Statistics archive
Referi® keeps scores and stats of each match. Whether it is used to draw up the ranking of a tournament or to share a great performance on social networks.

Referi®. Your match winner.

More customers.
People who try Referi®, don't want to play anywhere else. That means more players trying out your courts and staying loyal to your club.
Setting up and using Referi® is so intuitive that your players can continue to focus on their game. Only it will be much more fun and exciting.
More Earnings.
With Referi® you will be able to rent your courts at a higher price, and you will also be able to get back more quickly the investments you had to make to build the Padel facilities.
New perspectives.
Referi® is an evolving APP. We are constantly working to release updates and introduce new features that will make it more customizable and will help you better manage not only the score on the court, but all the activity of your club.
It only takes a few hundred euros to equip a court with the Referi® system. An investment that quickly pays for itself, with benefits that last over time.

Everything you need to take your club to PRO level.

Referi® RePlay


Connect the Referi® RePlay device to a TV screen with the included HDMI cable, pair the buttons via Bluetooth® and start using it right away.

The Referi® APP runs directly on the Referi® RePlay device, without the need for a Smartphone, the buttons can be worn thanks to the convenient wristbands or attached, e.g. to the Padel court cage, close to the net: players get to the court and start using Referi® with a click.


Referi® RePlay to connect to your TV + 2 buttons + 2 wristbands.
